Women on the Wall is a global public art initiative, that co-creates with women-identifying artists and community members to collaboratively create large-scale public art murals.

These murals transforms public spaces into powerful canvases to amplify women's voices, challenge inequalities, inspire action, and elevate awareness and need for gender equity. Through collaborative art-making, we're building a global movement that makes space, increases visibility, and builds power for women where it matters most.

This is a Micro Galleries Initiative
  • 134 Years

    The current projection for reaching full gender parity—five generations beyond the 2030 SDG target.
  • 60%

    of women worldwide feel unsafe in public spaces, limiting their freedom of movement and expression.
  • 2%

    Female artists represent just 2% of the art market, despite making up half the world's population.
  • 4%

    Only 4% of bilateral aid is dedicated to programs where gender equality is the principal objective.
About WOW
Women on the Wall (WOW) is a global community-driven initiative that brings together women-identifying artists and local communities to create large-scale public murals addressing gender inequity. Launched by Micro Galleries as a stand-alone initiative to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, WOW transforms underutilised public spaces into powerful canvases for women's voices, challenges, and hopes.

Through collaborative workshops, public events, and digital documentation, we're building a global movement that makes space for women in public life, increases visibility of women's perspectives in art and culture, and builds power through leadership development and cross-cultural solidarity.

Our murals do more than transform spaces—they serve as visual catalysts for community dialogue, policy change, and global gender equity advancement.

Join us as we paint a new future for women worldwide.
WOW In Action
We've been building up to something big. Across three countries, WOW demonstrated the deep impact, resonance, and connection created through the WOW experience.
  • 27

  • 280

    Community Participants
  • 200K

    Global Viewers
WOW // Jakarta, Indonesia: Connecting Between Generations

Local women from a Jakarta kampung united to create powerful murals expressing their concerns, strengths, and dreams; amplifying their belief in the vital inter-generational connection between mothers and daughters.

A collaboration between Micro Galleries, MasterPeace, and Urban Nasty, in partnership with Ladies on Wall and MasterPeace's "Let's Colour Walls of Connection" initiative. Supported by AkzoNobel/Dulux Indonesia and the Australian Embassy in Indonesia.

WOW Wrap Reel, Jakarta
WOW // Brisbane, Australia: Australia & Indonesia Streets

In a cross-cultural exchange, women-identifying street artists from Australia and Indonesia collaborated to explore women's experiences in street art across diverse practices and cultures. Indonesia's Ladies on Wall collective joined Australian artists for an intensive creative exchange at Urban Paradise Gallery.

A partnership between Micro Galleries, Brisbane Street Art Festival, Ladies on Wall, and the Australian Embassy in Indonesia.

WOW Wrap Reel, Brisbane
WOW // Patan, Nepal: Stories of Water & Resilience

A powerful two-week festival uniting local and international women through art, dialogue, and collective action. Workshops, discussions, and public events empowered participants to address critical water issues—pollution and drought—connecting local challenges to global concerns.

A partnership between Micro Galleries, the Australian Embassy in Nepal, and Kaalo.101.

WOW Wrap Reel, Patan
The Women Behind The Wall
The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and make our clients happy
  • Kat Roma Greer
    Artistic Director - Micro Galleries
    Executive Director - Women on the Wall
    Kat is a cultural manager, curator, creator, and urban disruptor for regenerative change. Based in Asia
    for 16 years, she leverages 26 years of experience in event, project, and cultural management. As the
    founder of Micro Galleries she champions dynamic creative practices, collaboration, and cultural knowledge-sharing that engineers solutions-based change in under-resourced spaces. Kat holds
    degrees in Theatre, Classical Singing, and English Literature, including a Master of Arts in Performance Studies from the University of Sydney.Named one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence and recently listed as the Top 10 Culture for Impact initiative with the Museum for the U.N, , Kat focuses on innovative creative practices and strategies, aiming to make a positive global impact.
  • Mica Scalin
    Director of Strategic Partnerships, Women on the Wall
    Mica Scalin is an innovator in the use of art and media for community engagement and creative development. As Managing Partner at Another Limited Rebellion she
    developed arts-based approaches to organisational learning for businesses around the globe. Prior to that she worked with NBC Universal, Showtime and JDub. She has produced documentary films, art exhibitions and cultural events including dOGUMENTA: America’s First Art Show For Dogs. She holds degrees in Photography and Media Studies and is a certified Leadership Coach.
  • Sarah Sculley
    Artistic Director - Women on the Wall
    Sarah Sculley is an urban artist known for her colourful, feminine, layered work. Inspired by the female form, typography, nature, and colour, she creates art on canvas, skate decks, and walls. Sarah holds a Bachelor of Design Studies in Graphic Design and Visual Culture from Queensland College of Art and studied abroad at Edinburgh College of Art on a Griffith University scholarship. With over 20 years in the Creative Industries, she began exhibiting in 2005. Specialising in large canvas works, murals, and branding design, Sarah is passionate about supporting and coaching students and artists to develop sustainable practices.
Our Approach
Women re-shaping public space and community narratives.
  • Making Space
    WOW transforms public spaces historically dominated by men into vibrant gathering places that center women's voices and experiences. Through collaborative art creation, we reclaim physical environments while giving women the space to openly express themselves and convert their perspectives into powerful visual concepts.
  • Increasing Visibility
    Women's stories and contributions remain underrepresented in public discourse. Our large-scale murals ensure women's perspectives become permanent, visible fixtures in communities worldwide. By elevating women artists as cultural producers and thought leaders, WOW challenges the status quo and creates more inclusive public narratives.
  • Building Power
    Beyond creating art, WOW develops women's leadership capacity through structured training, mentorship, and paid opportunities. Our tiered engagement model transforms participants into facilitators and eventually project leaders, building a global network of women change-makers connected across geographic and cultural boundaries.
  • Mapping Change
    We're creating a comprehensive global mapping of women's public art. This growing network visualises a critical mass of women reclaiming public space and narratives across continents, connecting isolated interventions into a powerful global movement. This serves as both a digital archive and vital data resource on women's expression in public space.
Every mural we create represents more than art—it's a declaration that women's perspectives belong in public space. By 2030, we aim to establish women-created public art in communities across all continents, building a visual network of solidarity, inspiration and empowerment that transcends borders while addressing local gender equity challenges
How It Works
A Five Phase Journey For Collective Empowerment
Connect & Listen
We don't parachute in with preconceived ideas. Instead, we:
  • Carefully identify a community through invitation and outreach processes
  • We select communities through collaborative partnerships
  • Identify and enlist lead and supporting artists
  • Connect virtually with all collaborators to build genuine relationships with local women's organisations and artists, co-creating the program, together
Uncover & Envision
Through a series of three engaging workshops, we:
  • Create a safe space for women to share lived experiences, challenges, and aspirations related to gender equity issues in their community
  • Identifying patterns and resonating themes across individual stories. This can be manifested in any form relevant to the group; connecting personal experiences to broader Beijing Declaration action areas
  • Transform personal narratives into a powerful, collective visual language and message
  • Nurture emerging community leaders along the way
Create & Celebrate
Our co-created mural is a collective celebration:
  • Collaborative design approved by the women themselves
  • A full-day painting event with all participants that transforms public spaces
  • Complementary women-centred programming that extends community engagement
  • Live music, skills workshops, and artisan markets that amplify women's voices
Document & Analyse
We don't just create art—we create evidence:
  • Comprehensive documentation of the entire process
  • Rigorous impact assessment across individual, community, and systemic levels
  • Research and mapping that contributes to global gender equity advocacy
The WOW Map
Documenting & Celebrating Women-Identifying Artists Transforming Public Spaces

Join us in building the first comprehensive global resource for women's public art. Our collaborative map showcases public murals created by women artists around the world, highlighting their contributions to public art and social change. Each pin represents a story - of artistic vision, lived experience, community engagement, and the powerful messages women are sharing through public art.

What You'll Find:

● Murals created by women-identifying artists worldwide

● Historical and contemporary works

● Details about artists and their vision where available

●The stories behind each piece where available

● Location information for visiting

This map is a living document that grows through community contributions. Each submission verified to the best of our ability. Whether you're an artist, art enthusiast, or someone who's spotted an inspiring mural, your contributions help document women's artistic legacy in public spaces.

How To Use the WOW Map
Browse murals by region or theme
Click pins to view photos and learn about each piece
Submit new murals through our verification process
Share discoveries with the global arts community
Add more information if you have it
Use it!
Use this to go and visits these fantastic creative contributions whenever you’re town.
Interested in being a WOW partner?
Artists, Community Champions, Women's Organisations:
We want YOU! Passionate about creating change? Ready to bring WOW to life in your community? Reach out and say hi or click one of the links below.
You accept our Terms and Conditions

"“I raise up my voice-not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.”― Malala Yousafzai

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